The Jazz Age Women’s Hockey Craze

There is no reason why any healthy girl should catch cold while playing hockey, yet I am often told that hockey is the cause of many chills. I would say most emphatically that even when played on a cold or wet day, it is not the game which is at fault but rather the player who neglects to change after the game is over.

Directly the game is finished there should be a quick change and, if possible, a hot bath, in any case a brisk and thorough rub down with a towel. If it is not possible to change at once, the player should immediately put on a thick sweater or jersey to avoid catching a chill. Girls are inclined to be lazy about changing and have much to learn from boys in this respect. Changing should become an instinctive habit and not merely a tiresome rule that has to be kept, or evaded…

-Hockey for Girls and Women
by K. E. Lidderdale.
London, G. Bell and sons, ltd., 1923.