Run No. 19

To Minnehaha Park and Fort Snelling You can reach Minnehaha Park by taking Lake Street to Minnehaha Boulevard, which leads directly to the park and then on to the fort. The route is straightforward and easy to follow. The road between the park and the fort can be sandy in some sections, but experienced riders … Read more

Sibyl Wilbur on a Wheel

I have had my first experience on the wheel, and it certainly shall not be the last. It must be a very trying thing t begin wheeling in a dark and dingy hall with a man leading your nag around for you and holding you up while he tells you just what to do in … Read more

American Blanket Refinishing

YOUR BLANKETS WASHED BY MILL METHODS No Shrinking No Shading THEY COME BACK TO you “JUST LIKE NEW” Blanket: cleaning guaranteed against shrinkage. Soft silkiness of fine wool restored, wool is re-carded to its original thickness and warmth. Especially recommended for Hudson Bays! Worn bindings replaced in sateen, without charge. 1.00, Single site. AMERICAN BLANKET … Read more

Love of the Isles

Lake of the Isles. — This lake is controlled by the park board. It is the nearest to the center of the city of the group of lakes along the southwestern limits, and may be reached by the Kenwood Boul. or by Hennepin Av., turning west at Franklin, or any street beyond, to 28th St. … Read more

The American Rug Laundry

GUARD AGAINST INFLUENZA Think of the deadly germs tracked daily onto Your Rugs! Every Rug going through our Washing and Drying Process is thoroughly sterilized. You can not afford to take chance when the cost is so small. We have the most Modern Rug Cleaning Plant in the Cities. NO ACIDS Only Pure Soap and … Read more

The Rainbow Cafe

Located in the heart of Minneapolis’ Chain of Lakes District, the Rainbow was opened in 1919, and it has been operated ever since by the Legeros’ and their fine staff, some of whom have been with the restaurant for over 25 years. Originally the Rainbow was as large as the present Coffee Shop. It has … Read more

Linking the Lakes

At the beginning of the year this important work had advanced far enough to assure its completion for the proposed Civic Celebration. It was, however, evident that every day would have to be taken ad vantage of, and the work on the four bridges was therefore pushed as fast as weather and other controlling conditions … Read more

Where America Shopped

Business was booming along Lake’s streetcar commercial strip when Sears, Roebuck and Company decided to build in South Minneapolis.After the ideal site was selected,  Architect George Nimmons was commissioned to design a mail order and retail store. The building’s focal point, a 16 story tower facing Elliot Avenue was lit up with enormous neon letters … Read more

At Lake and 27th Then and Now

And I remember walking through the rain with Reverend Jim. We went into Grandma’s Kitchen and looked out the window at Lake Street. Just another dark morning of coffee and cold air. The night before was a long one. Green Jeans and I had been drinking Special Export in the alley waiting for the doors … Read more