Whack! Bang! Ouch!

CO-EDS PLAY HOCKEY Reds Beat Greens, Thereby Winning the Ice Championship in the Two-Team League. NEW GAME TRIED OUT Players Are Awarded Seal to Correspond With Athletic “M” of Boys! With much whacking of shins, the Reds won over the Greens in the girls’ hockey game at the University yesterday afternoon by a score of … Read more

House of Hope

After the Territory of Minnesota was established a young missionary , Reverend Edward Duffield Neill, went west from Philadelphia to establish the region’s first Presbyterian congregations. In 1849, he founded the First Church in downtown St. Paul. On Christmas Eve in 1855, he created a second congregation, which he named House of Hope, envisioning it … Read more

The Metal Shelter

A BEAUTIFUL HOME GARAGE and the best solution to the Winter Storage Problem that has been accomplished. What better place to keep your car this winter than in this fireproof building on your own lot? On pleasant days you can use it, while if it is in dead storage you won’t feel like taking the … Read more

Consumers Roofing

Get the Newest  THATCHED ROOF Approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters We carry insurance on the Public as well as on all our men—You are fully protected ASK ABOUT IT ESTIMATES FREE EASY PAYMENTS Perfect roof protection is essential to good health; this applies to the human family as well as the animal … Read more

Winter Waterfall

Where the Falls of Minnehaha Flash and gleam among the oak trees, Laugh and leap into the valley… Minnehaha Falls is the most widely celebrated of the Northwest’s natural curiosities. Longfellow’s Hiawatha has made Minnehaha an object of curiosity and admiration for travelers. The Stone Arch Bridge was erected from Stones taken from the Gorge … Read more

Lake Harriet Improvements

The pavilion has again undergone some very important changes, which are a decided improvement to both the appearance of the building and its efficiency in service. Through the introduction of a wide board walk on the water side of the structure and a large platform over the former landing place and swimming pool in front … Read more

Winchell Trail

The Winchell Trail is a hiking route stretching five miles along the Minneapolis side of the Mississippi River. It extends between Franklin Avenue South and East 44th Street, offering a secluded experience for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. This rustic trail provides access to the Upper Mississippi River gorge, showcasing scenic views of sandy beaches, the … Read more

Saintly City Cycling

St. Paul, when it comes to bicycling, is somewhat handicapped by her hills, and, the wheel in the Saintly city is more proportionately a business convenience than a source of pleasure. People who live in many Eastern cities would call St. Paul a paradise for wheelmen because of her well-paved streets and good roads leading … Read more

Sibyl Wilbur on a Wheel

I have had my first experience on the wheel, and it certainly shall not be the last. It must be a very trying thing t begin wheeling in a dark and dingy hall with a man leading your nag around for you and holding you up while he tells you just what to do in … Read more