The refectory building at Minnehaha Falls was totally destroyed by fire on the night of the Octoner 27th, 1905. It cost the Board over eight thousand dollars and was insured for five thousand dollars. A new site was selected and the new building was erected the following year. In the commissioner’s annual report for 1905, board president Fred Smith wrote that the new pavilion, as well as changes in policing and the support of the city administration, have “done much to redeem Minnehaha from its unsavory reputation and make it a place where women and children can visit and enjoy their picnics without fear of molestation or insult.” The park board had also addressed “unsavory” influences at the park by purchasing in 1904 two blocks of land west of the park to Hiawatha Avenue for $6,800. The expansion removed many saloons and restaurants that existed along the streets there to serve visitors to the park.