Music by Muzak at the First National Bank of Minneapolis
The Second tallest structure in the Minneapolis skyline is the first national bank building> This progressive organization selected music by Muzak to complement their modern approach to banking. With its handsome façade of gleaming metal and glass the 28 story First National headquarters structure provides an extraordinarily attractive addition to downtown Minneapolis. At the same time it combines all banking services and administrative facilities in one efficiently designed location. Music by Muzak plays an important role in First National’s operations. Scientifically arranged and recorded music selections are heard on all banking floors. Never blurring or distracting, music by Muzak is a valuable First National and First National asset providing a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere for both employees and customers. Music by Muzak stands alone as the only music service tested and proven as an aid to worker productivity. Also used by First National Bank as a versatile communications tool the Muzak system is adaptable for paging signaling and emergency warnings!
Cotton Lends Prestige to a new bank building
When the First National Bank of Minneapolis built the city’s first large office building in 30 years, it naturally specified every detail be the most modern and efficient. So washrooms on all 26 floors( five floors occupied by 1200 employees of the bank) were equipped with cotton toweling. At no additional cost cotton added to the convenience and look of quality as built excellent employees and tenant relations. And in addition it assures high standards of neatness- and eliminates costly plumbing problems and dangerous buyer hazards!