Hotel Vendome Nos. 17, 19 and 21 South Fourth street, for ten years one of the principal hostelries in Minneapolis which was partially destroyed by fire February 7, 1902 has been reconstructed and is again contacting it thriving business. The building now Hotel Vendome was first designed for offices and has been considered the handsomest building a its size in the city. It has a very elaborate carved stone front and an expensive finish of Southern Sycamore. Its use as a European hotel with a few furnished rooms began while the building was still being used for offices. From this small beginning the business was gradually developed by the addition of more furnishings and the installation of plumbing and other conveniences and when the building was destroyed by fire February 7th, 1902 its full capacity as that arranged had been reached. Its reconstruction has afforded an opportunity for of the interior which greatly enhances its utility for hotel purposes and parts which have been added have been as far as possible thoroughly fireproofed.
In its reconstructed state about 30 rooms have been added by utilizing space heretofore waste making a capacity of 120 guest rooms every one of which has outside light and air. The most modern plumbing has been installed throughout with a porcelain lavatory in each room supplying hot and cold water. 32 rooms have private baths, porcelain tubs nickel plated plumbing, and Watrous Aqua-meter noiseless closets.Each bathroom has white vitreous tile floor and dado,the upper portions of the wall being tinted a delicate flesh color. The electric lights are automatically lighted by the act of closing the door. 30,000 feet of highly polished parquet flooring has been laid in the building. Each room being answered my furnished with rugs instead of carpets thus affording the perfection of cleanliness and sanitation.The new beds have been provided with deep box springs and hair mattresses making them the most comfortable that can be procured. a long-distance telephone in each room communicates with a central switchboard in the office to be used in the place of an ordinary bell services, and connecting each room with the entire local telephone system of the Twin City Telephone Company and its toll lines. An Otis electric elevator with full magnetic control and the latest safety appliances have a spin installed together with an iron staircase of artistic design. The building is adequately heated by steam throughout. Three outside spiral fire escapes with standpipes afford egress at front and rear from each hole on every floor. An automatic sprinkler system has been installed in addition to the usual protection by extinguishers, hose, reels etc. which automatically turns a flood of water upon a fire thus preventing it to gaining headway. The partition which formally divided the office from the ground floor has been removed making a spacious lobby which has been handsomely decorated with of a monogram pattern which counters with wainscoting to match frescoed walls and paneled ceilings relieved by heavy mahogany beams.
A large skylight in the ceiling with fancy glass panels affords ample light in any part of the lobby for reading or writing at the desks. A revolving storm door for protection from cold draft during the winter season. On the second floor are located a handsome reception room and parlor with elaborate furnishings and appropriate decorations. George C. Wertz for the past 10 years in charge of the desk at the Nicollet House will assist the management and Harry P. Gilden will again have charge of the clerks desk hotel. Vendome is located in the heart of the retail and wholesale business district convenient for traveling salesman, merchants and shoppers.
Ladies traveling alone will find it a very desirable stopping place. Its past record was sufficiently guarantee that the conduct of the hotel will be in every sense quiet and orderly. Being located with the in the “loop”, all car line’s in the city pass within a few steps of the door. The Regan Restaurant, Spears Billiard Room and Bowling Alley and Van B. Clark’s cigar stand have been reopened with the finest fixtures and furniture in their old locations. Gus A. Barr has fitted up an elegant barbershop in the basement. Moderate rates which have made the Hotel Vendome so popular in the past are still maintained. Rooms without bath 75 cents to $1.25 per day. Rooms with a private bath $1.50 single and $2.50 double. Those who have heretofore made their headquarters at the Vendome will feel this announcement of its reopening will be quite sufficient.
-Reopening Announcement, November 23rd, 1923
The original four story Vendome building was was completed in 1885. An annex to the rear, constructed in 1909, contained seven floors. The hotel was demolished in 1959