Steel Construction Gives You Extra Value in the new Toro Mowers!
The trend of engineering and design in practically all metal products today is towards steel construction and the elimination of frequent breakdowns.
That is why we chose it for our new line of lawn equipment. Steel is much stronger and much lighter than cast iron. That means less upkeep expense, easier handling and lower cost to you.
And you ought to see the wonderful smooth job of cutting they will do. The new floating axle is a great feature for uneven lawns. Write today for Catalog.
The General will move dirt and sand and move it fast. It will haul implements of various kinds, pull a light plow, a discer, a harrow, a drag, or a gang of mowers. It can be used with a sickle bar, and in the wintertime it can be equipped with…
SHAPELESS masses of stone and iron ore, sleeping beneath the soil of Minnesota, have been raised from their age-old beds to answer the call of engineer, architect and builder .. . men who vision great buildings and make their visions real. Today such a vision is taking form before our…
We have tried to tell of the progress of West High, the Lake District, the City and the State of Minnesota, and to show the relationship among them... From the Annual Publication of the Senior Class of West High School Minneapolis, Volume Seventeen, 1925