Gluek, Gluek, Gluek’s

During the last five months, sales
of Gluek’s Beer in Minneapolis
have increased a great deal more
rapidly than sales of any other beer!

An impartial census of grocery stores, drug restaurants, cafes—everywhere that beer is sold—shows that Minneapolis has made up mind about beer.


For two or three months after beer came back. people tried all kinds. Then, they began to discover two things: First, that Gluek’s Beer in bottles taste exactly like Gluek’s Draft Beer. Second, that Gluek’s Beer, either draft or in bottle, has the real beer flavor—the smooth. full-bodied flavor that completely lagered beer should have. Seventy-six years of brewing experience are responsible for that flavor. If you’ll try a few bottles of Gluek’s and get your taste accustomed to its true beer flavor, we believe you too will begin to say to your friends—

“Sooner or later you’ll come to Gluek’s …
…the beer with the REAL beer flavor.”

-Gluek’s Newspaper Advertising, 1934