Dr. Eitel’s Hospital

Five stories in height, foundation capacity for nine stories, the new Eitel Hospital rapidly assumes form at 14th Street and Willow Place and will be finished October 1st. The concrete work has completed last week and the building is ready to enclose and finish. The contracting firm, H. L. Stevens & Company has prepared a sketch showing the building in perspective with solarium at the north and plain in exterior, finished on four sides in gray brick. Modern hospital equipment is to be placed in the building. The floor is to be cement finished with cork carpets in the rooms and tile in the corridors. In the high basement,which is practically the first story, is to be the laundry the heating plant. The dining room for attendance, refrigerating plant, heating equipment on the first floor beside the regular complement of consulting rooms and reception rooms. Dr. Eitel will have his family apartments and also those of the Superintendent, and the head nurse. Rooms for patients will be on other floors to be served by modern conveniences with the usual complement of laundry chute, dumb waiters and other paraphernalia. The operating room will be on the top floor and the first floor is being considered for a hydrotherapeutic suite of rooms patients received by automobile and ambulance will be taken direct to the large elevator on the street level owing to the complete facing of the building, it will make for presentable appearance from four sides.


The side opposite Willow Place will be the driveway entrance and Dr. Eitel will have an entrance to his apartments from 14th Street. Construction of the building is supervised by long Lamoreaux & Long, who originally arranged to make the hospital fit the landscape setting in front furnished by Loring Park the situation is unusual being near main arteries of travel, yet out of the way spot as two of the four corners are park property. The cost of the building will be $150,000.

Minneapolis Journal- June 4th, 1911