Anoka meaning in the Chippewa language ‘Work” and in the Dakota ‘”On both sides of the river” lies on both banks of the Rum River at a junction with the Mississippi; just 18 miles north of Minneapolis as shown on the accompanying map. Anoka is one of the oldest towns in the state. It was settled by the hardy people of the Northeastern States who engaged in lumbering on the Rum River.
Anoka is a Suburban yet Metropolitan City of about 4900, with good schools, many churches, an armory, and a federal building. state hospital, fine parks, and particularly the comforts of a city with wide open spaces and the wholesome fresh air of the countryside. Anoka is truly the Gateway to the Land of Lakes as to go north from the Twin Cities to the Fishing Grounds of Minnesota one must go thru Anoka. And speaking of fishing, plenty of big ones are caught in the Rum and Mississippi rivers and the lakes of the county.
ANOKA is easily reached by four highways, an electric line, and two railroads. hourly bus service from Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul.