To Delano,
Same as Run No. 7 as far as Wayzata. When leaving that town you keep to the right of the railroad tracks. About 1% miles outside the town you encounter a big and rather unpleasant hill, and some- what further on you meet with another, not quite as bad. Below the town of Long Lake you cross the railroad tracks again. On both sides of Long Lake you pass several cross roads, equipped with sign boards and leading to Lake Minnetonka.
About five miles from Long Lake you come to a road fork, where you keep to the right. A spin of another mile in a northerly direction carries you to Maple Plain. You cross the railroad tracks just as you enter the town, and cross them again on leaving it. About 1 miles on the other side of Maple Plain you pass south of the station of Armstrong. From there you keep straight on until you strike a road fork, at which you go to the left, leaving you about two miles more of road to cover before you reach Delano. The round trip is about 60 miles.
-Minneapolis Daily Times- July 14th, 1895