To Robbinsdale
You follow Washington avenue N to Twentieth avenue, and this to Crystal Lake avenue. Just outside the city limits, a road fork is encountered. The road to the left, which is much poorer, leads to the small settlement known as Kenmore Park. On the other side of the main road, right opposite Kenmore, les Crystal lake and Crystal Park. If you keep on along the main road, you will soon reach Robbins- dale, a small town with several factories. The distance from West hotel is about five miles. At Robbinsdale a road branches off to the right from the main road. It leads to Minneapolis Park and Lincoln Park, small settlements on the very out- skirts of the city. On the other side of Lincoln Park runs the so-called Osseo road. You can return back along that road and Washington avenue N, but the roads out there are not of the very best kind.
-Minneapolis Daily Times- July 14th, 1895