Encircled and Enchanted

Lake of The Isles Park, Minneapolis Minn. Encircled with an enchanting boulevard 2.S miles long, lined with handsome residences. The launch makes a tour of this lake as well as Calhoun and Cedar Lake every 45 minutes. Round trip of three lakes, 11 miles in 90 minutes, is 25 cents.


LAKE OF THE ISLES PARK.—Some evergreen and deciduous trees have been planted on the two islands which will, in a very few years, add greatly to their already picturesque appearance. All plantings, and especially the evergreens, are doing remarkably well. The use of the motorlawn mower has also greatly improved the lawns, the weight of the roller compressing the spongy, peaty soil and so forming a more solid compact sod. The boulevard, with the exception of the section between 22nd Street and Franklin Avenue, was in good condition most of the time.

-Annual Report of the Minneapolis Park Board, 1914+