The Metal Shelter

A BEAUTIFUL HOME GARAGE and the best solution to the Winter Storage Problem that has been accomplished. What better place to keep your car this winter than in this fireproof building on your own lot? On pleasant days you can use it, while if it is in dead storage you won’t feel like taking the trouble to get it out. There are a great many days during the winter when motoring is a pleasure, and you can keep your car going later. and get more real value out of it by having your own garage at home than in any other way. The savings in garage rent will be enough to pay the largest part of the cost of a Pruden System building, and when spring comes you will have something to show for your money, instead of a bunch of receipts. If you don’t know about Pruden System buildings, ask us for complete information or, better still, come over to the factory and see the building we have on exhibition. It will be a pleasure to explain it to you in detail. buildings are all steel-absolutely fireproof-proof against any of the ordinary forms of vandalism and are of an appearance that makes them an ornament to any home lot. If you can’t call on us, white or telephone, and full information will be given to you, catalogue mailed you, and full facilities afforded you for investigation, so that you may convince yourself that you need a Pruden System building that it is the cheap- est building you can afford to put up-and that it will give you entire satisfaction in every particular. We will erect buildings free of charge in the Twin Cities and will pay freight to destinations within 300 miles of St. Paul.

The Metal Shelter Company
Minneapolis Office,
21 So. 11th St.
St. Paul Office,
Corner of Wabash and Water St.

-Minneapolis Journal, 1915