House of Hope

After the Territory of Minnesota was established a young missionary , Reverend Edward Duffield Neill, went west from Philadelphia to establish the region’s first Presbyterian congregations. In 1849, he founded the First Church in downtown St. Paul. On Christmas Eve in 1855, he created a second congregation, which he named House of Hope, envisioning it … Read more

Church, Scientist, Summit

Constructed in 1913, this Classical Revival church was designed by Clarence H. Johnston, Sr. for the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Saint Paul. The exterior features cream-colored brick, with a row of arches interspersed with Doric columns and pilasters on its Summit Avenue side, along with French doors on the first floor. The rear … Read more

Over at Oliver

THE OLIVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is located at Bloomington Avenue at 27th Street in Minneaolis, Minnesota. If strives to serve all ages of people by its varied programs. Weekly activities include: Sunday School at 9:45, Worship Services at 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sundays. Midweek Services, 7:30 P.M. Thursdays.

Downtown Lutheran

The imposing stone edifice of Central Lutheran Church stands at the southern edge of beautiful downtown Minneapolis. The church began when a group of Norwegian-American laymen came together to fill the need for a Norwegian Lutheran presence in the heart of the city. After victory came in World War I, the founders decided that the … Read more

The Best Basilica

THE BASILICA OF ST. MARY One of the cities’ beautiful churches. Near the steps of this architectural wonder is a statue dedicated to Father Louis Hennepin, an early missionary, explorer and historian, on the 250th anniversary of his sighting of the Falls of St. Anthony beside whose fecund waters clustered the pioneers of the City … Read more

Plymouth Congregational Church

The largest church in the denomination, and one of the most influential in the city. Its membership includes some of the wealthiest and most prominent of the citizens of Minneapolis. The church is always foremost in the activities of the religious element of the community. The church was organized in 1857 with 18 members. From … Read more

Holy Rosary Church

Holy Rosary Church, under charge of the Dominican Fathers, was founded in the beginning of 1878. Towards the close of 1877, Rt. Rev. Bishop Thomas L. Grace, D.D., of the Order St. Dominic, at the suggestion of St. Rev. John Ireland, D. D.,Coadjutor Bishop, of St. Paul, entered into communication with the Very Rev. Stephen … Read more

Describing Saint Mark’s

The materials for construction were selected with the greatest care ,buff Bedford Indiana limestone being used for the exterior. Its texture and grain are well adapted to this type of architecture. The velvety surface of the rubbed stone enables the designer to secure rich and cleancut shadows , which , contrasting with the plain and … Read more

Minnesota College Grows

Institution Has Been A Success Since Its Inception in 1904   One of the growing institutions of learning in the Northwest is Minnesota college at Harvard and Delaware in Minneapolis. The college is owned and controlled by the Minnesota conference of the Swedish Lutheran Church and represents a large constituency. The college was organized Oct. … Read more