A Veritable Venice

Lake of the Isles is a veritable Venice though the pleasure craft are all canoes, not of the gondola type. Go out any night when the water is calm, the moon bright and the weather right and you will find the , beautiful waters dotted with ,slim, swift craft. LAKES, LAKES EVERYWHERE in Minneapolis. Here, … Read more

Interstate Park

Interstate Park, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, and Taylor Falls, Minnesota, 30 mites from Minneapolis and Saint Paul. The rock ledges at the Dalles are ancient lava flows. of which seven may be identified, rising like giant steps above the rivet. The lava. or trap, is well jointed. so that there are vertical precipices and isolated … Read more

The Man in the Water

Watson Guile, 306 West Forty-fifth street, was swimming in Lake Calhoun. near Minneapolis last summer and noticed a husband and wife. who had a baby with them. The couple was taking pictures on the shore. When Guile left the water, the family had gone. However, the wife had left behind a plastic bag that contained … Read more

Pumping Station!

The water supply of Minneapolis is obtained from the mighty Mississippi River through an intake pipe reaching the some distance up river from the city limits. Pumps force this water into reservoirs from which it is distributed through the mains and pipes by gravity.

Meeker Island Lock and Damn

Construction on Lock and Dam No. 2  began at the end of the 1890, and was finally completed in 1907. The structure featured a small lock for steamships. People on the fun side of the river called this the Meeker Island Lock and Dam because it was built near the enchanted island named after its … Read more

Come to Camden Park

Nearly the youngest park of the entire system, an acquisition of a little more than a year’s standing, an acquisition made against the wish of a large number of people who are bound to be benefited through its creation and existence, boasts today of the finest, most useful recreation building in our entire park system, … Read more


The University Theater operates the SHOW- BOAT on the Mississippi River every summer, during the months Of June, July, and August. Address: Showboat, University Of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota, U. S. A. All seats for all performances reserved—$2.OO. Tickets may be purchased at the Scott Hall Box Office, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455. Phone— 373-2337. Also Daytons … Read more


“HEARD THE FALLS OF MINNEHAHA, CALLING TO THEM FROM THE DISTANCE.” “laughing waters” is the meaning of the name “Minnehaha,” minne meaning water, and the name is a fine sample Of Indian onomatopoeia, or word painting. Whether the Indian, who invented the name, thought of the falling waters only, or of the lovely scenery surrounding … Read more

Innside the Northstar Inn

The Northstar Inn and the Marquette Inn. luxury hotels in the heart of a vibrant downtown.Linked by two second-level enclosed sk»yays. the Northstar and the Marquette combine to meet every need of the individual traveler or the full-blown convention. with indoor parking. the latest in room design and service, restaurants. bars. meeting rooms, retail shops … Read more