All for Anoka

Halloween Capital STATISTICS : Population 8,500 Located in Anoka County , 18 miles from Minneapolis – St . Paul Located on major highways U.S. No. 10 , 169 , 52 ; Minnesota No. 56 , 157 , 218 , 242 On Rum and Mississippi Rivers Industrial Sites Available TWIN CITIES For further information , write … Read more

Bridge Number 9

The first Northern Pacific Railroad bridge at this location was built in 1885. That bridge got rebuilt in 1917 so it could handle bigger locomotives and heavier trains. In 1922, the old bridge was removed and the new Bridge #9, designed by Frederick W. Cappelen was constructed. In 1955 the bridge was rebuilt as to … Read more

Love of the Isles

Lake of the Isles. — This lake is controlled by the park board. It is the nearest to the center of the city of the group of lakes along the southwestern limits, and may be reached by the Kenwood Boul. or by Hennepin Av., turning west at Franklin, or any street beyond, to 28th St. … Read more

Newly Nokomis

The Board decided to separate the Lake Nokomis improvements from the larger program, which included the Rice Lake and Minnehaha Creek acquisitions and betterments, and ordered the preparation of the plans and estimates , which were presented to the Board in December and approved. The work on the bathing beach was completed during the summer … Read more

Shivering into Filmy Spray

The State Park is the largest improved area of park land, A small section is laid out in conventional fashion, but the greater part of it is in its natural state. The attraction of the spot is the falls of Minnehaha. Down a descent of fifty feet they leap, shivering into filmy spray. From the … Read more

On Shady Island

Lake Minnetonka, the Eden and most charming spot of all at Minnetonka. Its beauties are known all over this terrestrial sphere. Consists of 40 acres, 30 acres natural park, a dreamland, covered with massive maple, basswood, elm, oak; 10 acres under a high state of cultivation in currants, grapes, strawberries, vegetables. No place in state … Read more

Lake Harriet and the Night

Harriet Park is one of a very different order. It is fashionable, conventional and metropolitan. It is a Coney Island in miniature. It embraces the banks of Lake Harriet, and has a beautiful boulevard encircling the lake. Here the fashionable carriages roll in endless procession of a Sunday afternoon. From the stage floating upon the … Read more

Lake White Bear

White Bear Lake, located 10 miles from St. Paul covers about 2,400 acres and is noted for its fine water-activities, both summer and winter. Sailing, boating, synchronized swimming, polar bear back riding and fishing are very popular sports for the residents of White Bear, pop. approximately 4,000, and other villages on the lake, as well … Read more

Minnehaha Falling

Almost every school child in the United States familiar with the beauties of Minnehaha Falls. It may be interesting to the reader to learn how Mr. Longfellow, a resident of Boston, who was never in Minnesota, happened to select the Falls of Minnehaha as one of the prominent features of the celebrated poem. In the … Read more