The Pathway Between

No larger or more varied combination of the elements of natural beauty can anywhere be found in the near neighborhood of a great city than are- here grouped together. Nature has bestowed with lavish hand upon the environments of Minneapolis all her most picturesque forms of scenery with the sole exception of great mountains. Rocks … Read more

The Merry Minikahda Club

The clubhouse of this popular organization is on the west shore of Lake Calhoun, where the club owns about 14S acres of land in a beautiful location. The clubhouse is complete in every appointment of a modern club home and the grounds have extensive golf links and both turf and dirt tennis courts. Membership is … Read more

Dreaming still of Minnehaha

“As unto the bow the cord is, So unto the man is woman; Though she bends him, she obeys him, “Though she draws him, yet she follows; Useless each without the other!” Thus the youthful Hiawatha Said within himself and pondered, Much perplexed by various feelings, Listless, longing, hoping, fearing, Dreaming still of Minnehaha, Of … Read more

Hotel Lafayette

This magnificent hotel is located on a peninsula between the main lake and Crystal Bay, and is so situated that it has water fronts on both sides. The view from the hotel is the finest and most extensive we have ever seen, taking, in some ten or twelve of the bays and their numberless promontories … Read more

A Rock for the Pond Brothers

In the 1830′s Samuel and Gideon Pond helped establish missions at Chief Cloud Man’s Dakota village on the shore of Lake Calhoun. The Pond brothers came from Connecticut in with high hopes of converting the Dakoyta to Christianity and New England farming practices. They also devised a Dakota alphabet and began translating the Bible into … Read more

Peavy Fountain Then and Now

Peavey Fountain was given to the people of Minneapolis in 1891 as a drinking fountain for horses. The monument wast rededicated as a memorial to the horses of the 151st field artillery of the Minnesota National Guard killed in action during the First World War in 1917 and 1918.

The Old Lower Bridge to Saint Anthony

The Lower Bridge used to cross the Mississippi between 10th Avenue in Minneapolis and 2nd Avenue across the river in old Saint Anthony. The Lower was built in 1874 as part of the Minneapolis and Saint Anthony merger agreement. This deck truss bridge crossed the river at a diagonal on a series of masonry piers. … Read more

Under the Wabasha Street Bridge

The folks from the Minnesota Boat Club have been rowing on the river since 1870. Located under the Wabasha Bridge on the west end of Raspberry Island, the original boathouse was a wooden structure. It was replaced in the early 1900′s by the existing boathouse shown in the postcard below. In 1949, the United States … Read more

When it really was an island…

The park at Harriet Island was built by Dr. Justus Ohage, St. Paul’s health officer, who donated the land to the city in 1900. His idea for the park was to build a place for healthy living in the center of the city. The park originally had a public bathhouse and beach, along with amenities … Read more