Whack! Bang! Ouch!

CO-EDS PLAY HOCKEY Reds Beat Greens, Thereby Winning the Ice Championship in the Two-Team League. NEW GAME TRIED OUT Players Are Awarded Seal to Correspond With Athletic “M” of Boys! With much whacking of shins, the Reds won over the Greens in the girls’ hockey game at the University yesterday afternoon by a score of … Read more

Better Known as Matt’s

In 1954, Matt Bristol took over a dark, 24-by-55-foot 3.2 joint he bought from a guy named Nibs Martin. The bar could hold 78 thirsty patrons. A couple month’s after he changed the name of the place to Matt’s, a cook was flipping hamburgers on a two-foot-wide grill at the end of the bar and … Read more

The Jazz Age Women’s Hockey Craze

There is no reason why any healthy girl should catch cold while playing hockey, yet I am often told that hockey is the cause of many chills. I would say most emphatically that even when played on a cold or wet day, it is not the game which is at fault but rather the player … Read more