Over the Lake Street Bridge

…Continuing on Marshall avenue to the bridge and over the bridge to Lake Street. Just above the bridge is a government dam, originally suggested to improve navigation above Minnehaha. It is being finished by degrees. and possibly it may be utilized in furnishing electricity for power and light to the residents at Fort Snelling. Looking … Read more

A Substantially Built Edifice

“The building stands on the south-west corner of Hennepin Avenue and 10th Street, one of the broadest avenues and one of the widest streets in the city. A bend to the northwest in the avenue, beginning at 10th Street, and a bend to the northeast in Tenth Street, beginning just before the avenue is reached, … Read more

Back at Bancroft Then and Now

Way back in 1875, Minneapolis Township built a two-room, wooden  school  on the southwest corner of Minnehaha Avenue and 38th Street. At that time the school was part of what was District #113,  It became part of the city school system when the neighborhood was annexed in 1887, and was named “Bancroft” the same year.  … Read more

Reason No. 2

Reason No. 2 – Why Minneapolis Celebrates week of July 2 to 8. Because it has more manufacturing, giving steady employment in proportion to population than other cities, there being over 1,000 manufacturing concerns in 137 lines of industry, with 20,000 skilled laborers on payrolls that aggregate $15,000,000 annually; capital, $80,000,000.

Lake Mendoza

The city has a grand park and boulevard system. Eighteen parks, and over twenty miles of boulevard drive, one. hundred feet in width, around Lakes Harriet and Mendoza, and Lake of the Isles, and through beautiful residence sections of the city. There are over 1,500 acres in the parks. The area of Lakes Harriet and … Read more

Reason No. 21

Why Minneapolis Celebrates week of July 2 to 8. Because it is wholesale and jobbing headquarters for nine northwestern states, distributing goods annually to the amount of over $300,000,000, and a retail business that approximates $35,000,000 each year.

Gopher Campus Motor Lodge

On Hwy. 36—10th Ave. at 4th St. S. E. Minneapolis 14, Minn. — FEdera1 3-5313 On the edge of University of Minnesota Campus and University Hospitals, across the River from downtown. T. V. —Air-Conditioning Phone in each room — Fireproof — Individual temperature controls — Inside corridors to all rooms AMPLE ADJACENT PARKING

The Minneapolis Cyclorama

Almost 4 stories high and 400 feet around the Minneapolis Cyclorama was built to display a giant, painted spectacle of the Battle of Atlanta. Construction on the building, located at Fifth and Marquette began in 1885. The huge canvas was the project of German artist, William Wehner, who set out to create a series of … Read more

Kome to the Kaiserhof

We are ready to greet you with walls, furnishings and equipment cleaned, painted and renovated from top to bottom. Our service has been brought to the highest point of efficiency. A famous New York chef recently engaged assures you of a quality of food unsurpassable. Music is furnished by an unusually talented Ladies Orchestra of … Read more