Run No. 19

To Minnehaha Park and Fort Snelling You can reach Minnehaha Park by taking Lake Street to Minnehaha Boulevard, which leads directly to the park and then on to the fort. The route is straightforward and easy to follow. The road between the park and the fort can be sandy in some sections, but experienced riders … Read more


“HEARD THE FALLS OF MINNEHAHA, CALLING TO THEM FROM THE DISTANCE.” “laughing waters” is the meaning of the name “Minnehaha,” minne meaning water, and the name is a fine sample Of Indian onomatopoeia, or word painting. Whether the Indian, who invented the name, thought of the falling waters only, or of the lovely scenery surrounding … Read more

Shivering into Filmy Spray

The State Park is the largest improved area of park land, A small section is laid out in conventional fashion, but the greater part of it is in its natural state. The attraction of the spot is the falls of Minnehaha. Down a descent of fifty feet they leap, shivering into filmy spray. From the … Read more

Cottage No. 6

CHAPLAIN’S REPORT Minnesota Soldiers’ Home, Minnehaha, July 31, ‘1907. Captain James Compton, Commandant. Dear Sir:— Another year’s labor calls for an “Account of stewardship,” and happy indeed is the worker who can say with Carlyle, “The true hero is the man who knows his work and does it.” The labor of the year has been … Read more

Lake Nokomis Park

Lake Nokomis was originally called Lake Amelia and is so recorded on the Fort map in 1823. It was probably named for the wife or daughter of Capt. George Gooding, who came with the first troops in 1819. In 1910 it was rechristened Nokomis by the park commissioners of Minneapolis, in honor of the mythical … Read more

Minnehaha Park

The Falls of Minnehaha are perhaps the most widely celebrated of the natural curiosities of the Northwest. Since Longfellow sung of the deeds of Hiawatha, Minnehaha has been an object of the curiosity and admiration of travelers. The Falls are formed by Minnehaha creek (the outlet of Lake Minnetonka) which after a devious course of … Read more

Moving the Stevens House

The story of the Stevens house reminds me of Virginia Lee Burton’s book,  The Little House that was based the story her own little house which she had moved from a busy city street into a field of daisies with apple trees growing all around. The removal of the old Stevens house from 16th Avenue … Read more

Forward Minneapolis

Minneapolis Offers To the Investor, excellent opportunity to secure real estate at prices which will surely advance with the city’s growth. To the Merchant, a large and increasing market with facilities for supplying it. To the Visitor, good hotel accommodations, and excellent:opportunities for shopping and sightseeing, or for rest and recreation. To the Manufacturer, excellent … Read more

Minnehaha Park Pavillion

The refectory building at Minnehaha Falls was totally destroyed by fire on the night of the Octoner 27th, 1905. It cost the Board over eight thousand dollars and was insured for five thousand dollars.  A new site was selected and the new building was erected the following year. In the commissioner’s  annual report for 1905,  … Read more