The Pathway Between

No larger or more varied combination of the elements of natural beauty can anywhere be found in the near neighborhood of a great city than are- here grouped together. Nature has bestowed with lavish hand upon the environments of Minneapolis all her most picturesque forms of scenery with the sole exception of great mountains. Rocks … Read more

The Impressive Skyline

SKYLINE FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER St. Paul. Minnesota The impressive Saint Paul Skyline. from the Mississippi River showing Federal Building, right; First National Bank Building in the background and Court House at left. The excursion Steamer “Avalon” at the dock. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA This skyscraper. 502 feet in height, has dominated the … Read more

Under the Wabasha Street Bridge

The folks from the Minnesota Boat Club have been rowing on the river since 1870. Located under the Wabasha Bridge on the west end of Raspberry Island, the original boathouse was a wooden structure. It was replaced in the early 1900′s by the existing boathouse shown in the postcard below. In 1949, the United States … Read more

The Wabasha Bridge Across the River

The Wabasha Street Bridge built in 1998 replaced an earlier structure that was built in 1889. The new bridge is actually two bridges, one for northbound and one for southbound traffic. The use of a concrete segmental box girder bridge provided a construction advantage because no falsework needed to be built beneath the bridge. Pedestrian … Read more

This is St. Paul

Saint Paul is the capital city of Minnesota! Home of the famous Winter Carnival… of the nation’s third largest livestock market… a bustling industrial in transportation center and the gateway to America’s finest winter and summer vacationland.

The Post Office and The Pioneer Statue

The first post office in Minneapolis was built on the west bank on High Street in 1854 and operated by postmaster Hezekiah Fletcher. The present day post office was completed in 1933 and occupies nearly the same site. A seven-level parking ramp and loading dock for bulk mail were added to the west in 1976. … Read more

Across the Franklin Avenue Bridge

The Franklin Avenue or F.W. Cappelen Memorial Bridge was designed by and named for Frederick William Cappelen. The bridge was completed in 1923. Cappelen died during the construction of the bridge, and as a memorial to his life and career, the bridge still bears his name. The reinforced-concrete open-spandrel arched bridge took a couple years … Read more