Sibyl Wilbur on a Wheel

I have had my first experience on the wheel, and it certainly shall not be the last. It must be a very trying thing t begin wheeling in a dark and dingy hall with a man leading your nag around for you and holding you up while he tells you just what to do in … Read more

Interstate Parking

Interstate Park, St. Croix Falls, Wis., and Taylor Falls, Minn., 50 miles from Minneapolis and St. Paul. The rock ledges at the Dalles are ancient lava flows, of which seven may be identified, rising like giant steps above the river. The lava, or trap, is well jointed so that there are vertical precipices and isolated … Read more

Run No. 13

To Robbinsdale You follow Washington avenue N to Twentieth avenue, and this to Crystal Lake avenue. Just outside the city limits, a road fork is encountered. The road to the left, which is much poorer, leads to the small settlement known as Kenmore Park. On the other side of the main road, right opposite Kenmore, … Read more

Run No. 29

To Delano, Same as Run No. 7 as far as Wayzata. When leaving that town you keep to the right of the railroad tracks. About 1% miles outside the town you encounter a big and rather unpleasant hill, and some- what further on you meet with another, not quite as bad. Below the town of … Read more

Run No. 2

To St. Louis Park The same as Run No. 1, till you have passed well round the north side of the lake. Somewhat further on there is a road fork, at which you keep to the right. Another mile’s ride brings you to a new fork. This time you keep to the left, which will … Read more

Another Anoka

  Anoka meaning in the Chippewa language ‘Work” and in the Dakota ‘”On both sides of the river” lies on both banks of the Rum River at a junction with the Mississippi; just 18 miles north of Minneapolis as shown on the accompanying map. Anoka is one of the oldest towns in the state. It … Read more

Up in Osseo

Osseo boasts of being the greatest early potato producing section of the Northwest. This boast is not without foundation, anyone may see wishes to spend few hours in this thriving village. There ore literally acres and of spuds that hem so to speak, the town tn front all sides. More than ever Osseo people smiling … Read more

Memory House

Most of the items in this house are 100 years old or more and all of them are either salesmen’s samples. children’s toys. or personal keepsakes, some of them perhaps from the home of your own grandparents. The collection required thirty-three years to gather to make it ample for an entire house of ten rooms … Read more

Boiling Springs

One of the World’s Natural Wonders, located in the beautiful Minnesota River Valley, twenty-one (2.1) miles southwest of the Twin Cities, and four (4) miles from the Minneapolis Auto Club. Visit the Boiling Springs at Hattenberger’s Farm just outside the Shining City of Shakopee, Minnesota