The Capital’s Holiday Inn

ST. PAUL—STATE CAPITOL 161 St. Anthony, St. Paul, Mn. Telephone: (651) 227-871 1 Toll Free: (800) 323-9050 LOCATION: Just off 1 94 at Marion St. Exit, near junction with 1 35 E. Only blocks from the State Capitol; only minutes from St. Paul Civic Center, the new Science Museum of MN with its unique Omnitheater, … Read more

The Minnesota Soldiers’ Home

“The first duty devolving on the trustees in connection with the Home, was the selection of a site for the permanent buildings. This proved to be a laborious and difficult task. Patriotic and public spirited citizens in many towns, submitted offers of eligible sites for the Home. The trustees visited, and thoroughly inspected the grounds … Read more

The Inter-City Bridge

The Inter-City Bridge Commission which has handled construction of the bridge under an agreement by which each city pays half of the cost, met today to sign final papers accepting the bridge, and declared that July 4th would be the day when the structure will be “open to the public.” However, the bridge is unblocked … Read more

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH Snelling Avenue at Highland Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota ‘Glory To Cod” The Church was dedicated in 1952. It is of Georgian Colonial design, an example of a truly American and Protestant form of architecture that symbolizes the simple and sturdy faith of the founders of our nation. Erection cost was $625,000. … Read more